Halloween DIY: Fabric Ghosts - Felt Happy Sewing

Halloween DIY: Fabric Ghosts

This DIY is a fun twist on the classic cheesecloth ghost using felt instead! It takes less than 15 minutes to make (20 if cutting stars on a Cricut) and dries in just a couple of hours. Though, be warned, it's VERY messy. But, it's the cutest decor for Halloween and super simple.


  • White and black felt (or 100% cotton fabric)
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Elmer's glue and water or modge podge
  • Bowl and a spoon/paint brush
  • Glass the desired height of your ghost 
  • Balloon, preferably a small 5" balloon 
  • Glitter
  • Fabric glue 
  • Pin

Purchasing Felt: Here's a coupon to receive $5 off your first felt purchase at Benzie Design, the retailer I use.

White Ghost Directions

  1. Blow up your balloon so it's no larger than the palm of your hand. 
  2. Place the balloon on top of your glass so it nests inside slightly. 
  3. Create your felt ghost by either draping the white felt over the balloon glass and cutting around the bottom edges -or- trace a large circle on your white felt and cut it out. 
  4. In a bowl, mix 3 parts Elmer's glue, 1 part water until combined. You can also use Mod Podge. If you want your ghost to have sheen, add a few shakes of glitter and stir into your glue evenly.
  5. Submerge the felt in glue, coating at least 75% of the felt. You can use a spoon or paintbrush to help coat evenly. 
  6.  Drape the felt over the balloon and position the felt wrinkles the way you want your ghost to look when dry. Felt, especially white felt, will attract hair and lint--so make sure to scan it over and pick off any. 
  7. Let your ghost dry overnight! To speed up the drying process, you can also sit outside for 3-4 hours. 
  8. Cut out two eyes and a mouth out of black felt and using fabric glue, adhere to the ghost. You can also do this on a Cricut. 
  9. Lastly, take a pin and pop the balloon from the top of the fabric ghost. Lift your ghost off the jar and toss the deflated balloon. And voilà! 

Star Ghost Directions

  1. Using your Cricut Maker or Maker 3, add the quantity of stars you want on your ghost to the design space. You can also cut out eyes and a mouth for your ghost with your Cricut as well. 
  2. Load the Cricut with your fabric mat with black felt. Let the Cricut do its magic!
  3. Unload the Cricut and pull off the stars from your mat. 
  4. Follow Steps 1-4 above. 
  5. Using fabric glue, adhere each black star to your white circle. This step is important to ensure that the stars stay in place while being submerged in Elmer's glue. If any of the edges of the stars come up, gently pat them down using the spoon or paintbrush. 
  6. Finish with Steps 5-9. 

Cutting the Ghost Eyes, Mouth & Stars:

Without a Cricut: You can eyeball the eyes and mouth if cutting by hand. For the stars, you can also eyeball these - or - you can print out a picture of a star and trace this on your black felt. 

With a Cricut: You can create the eyes, mouth, and stars on your own or you can use my exact Design Space file by searching for my name, Alexis Hughes or with this direct project link

Video Tutorial: 

You can find my video tutorial on how to make these ghosts on Instagram. And please share your fabric ghosts with me! I would love to see them. 


Happy crafting!


Owner, Felt Happy Sewing




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